About Me

Hello, I’m a James Chris created a lot of still and moving pictures for myself and others. And I’ve made it my life’s goal to be as creative as possible towards everything I endeavor.
I have won a boatload of awards for my work, and I’m grateful for every single one of them.


Kite Festival, Dior Homme, Ilaria Nistri, Jucca, Tarnetar Mela, Albino, Kutch Carnival , Scee, Celebration of Republic, Vic Matie’, live screen projection


It’s Nice That, Accent Magazine, Aperture, The Exposed, Paul Smith World, Foam*, Pylot Magazine.

Small Story

Only a photographer is able to look through a lens and see a world that no one else can see - in the blink of an eye, the click of camera, an image is caught and gives immortality to whatever is captured there. Magical as it seems, it cannot create.

With Love

Turpis tincidunt id aliquet feugiat. Lectus magna fringilla urna porttitor rhoncus. Velit sed ullamcorper morbi tincidunt ornare mas.

Reon, 1535 Broadway, New York
Dinner: Mon- Thu
Dinner: Fri- Sun

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